Gladio Free Europe
What does Israeli hip-hop tell us about the second Intifada? What does Siberian Punk tell us about the Soviet Union, or 90's comedies about American media and politics? Join us every Wednesday as we, Liam, Sam, Sam, and Abram, take a deep dive into pop culture and discuss world history.
River Pirates on the American Frontier
Sailing out into the murky waters of the Mississippi, we make the acquaintance of some of the pirates who called these waters home.
Christianity in Japan - Warlords at Worship
We continue our exploration of Christianity and Japan and how the faith became the subject of suspicion and persecution almost overnight.
Christianity in Japan - The Priest and the Pirate
The first installment of our series exploring the historical context of 16th and 17th century Catholicism in Japan.
Coronation Explainer
In light of the first British coronation in 70 years, we looked into the history of English kingship, the kitsch surrounding the ceremony, and much more.
GFE World Travel Update
Russian Sam and Liam have a debrief session about their recent vacations, highlighting what they found notable about their respective trips.
American Medical Atrocities in Guatemala ft. KingoKrebbs
Krebbs joins us to talk about the history of syphilis and one set of shocking medical experiments conducted by US officials in America’s backyard.
Introduction to the Christian Saints
We introduce the topic of sainthood in Catholicism in an approachable way by looking at some stories of saints’ lives.
The Trial of the Juntas ft. Kevin
On the anniversary of the last Argentinian coup, Kevin spoke to us about the genocidal violence of the junta regime, as well as the process of bringing them to justice.
Alaska Chat ft. Jon
Jon came on to talk to us about his new-found life in rural Alaska, as well as the enigmatic history of this hotly-contested land.
Yet More Bog Bodies
We talked about yet more bog bodies, as well as a new meta-study which analyzes the bog body phenomenon across Europe.